Our mission is to distribute and archive works of time-based art. Each issue highlights artists working in new or experimental media, whose works are best documented in video or sound.


V21: A Good Place to Stop
V20: The Cinematic
V19: Communication
V18: Export China
V17: Hi-Tech
V16: Lo-Tech
V15: Influence & Reference
V14: Middle East
V13: Public
V12: Vital
V11: Arte de las Americas
V10: Rural
V9: Performance
V8: Early Works
V7: Personas & Personalities
V6: On Location
V5: Joie de vivre
V4: Text & Language
V3: The Artist as Content
V2 Cover
V2: Artists of the West Coast
V1: Artists of the Boston Cyberarts Festival


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ASPECT Presents


Collection Starters

Volumes 5-8 of ASPECT at 10% off the individual price


Get volumes 9-12 at 10% off the individual price


Volumes 1-4 of ASPECT


Volumes 13-16 at 10% off the individual price.


Streaming Access

Watch any content from the entire ASPECT collection on your iPad for one year.  Purchase is tied to a single iPad device, and starts when you enter your activation code into the ASPECT iPad app.


Watch any content from the entire ASPECT collection on your iPad for four months.  Purchase is tied to a single iPad device, and starts when you enter your activation code into the ASPECT iPad app.


Watch any content from the entire ASPECT collection on your iPad for one day.  Purchase is tied to a single iPad device, and starts when you enter your activation code into the ASPECT iPad app.
